Car Donation Made Simple and Safe – Car Donation Wizard is a very informative video broadcasted to assist people to learn more about how to donate their vehicles to help various people who are in need through an online website called Car Donation Wizard. It is the best way to learn about the process of donating a vehicle for people who have never done it before or if someone has wrecked Vipers for sale that they would like to give to a charity instead. The Car Donation Wizard is an online platform that is designed to assist vehicle donors, it is fast and easy to use and the video takes an individual through step-by-step instructions on how to navigate the platform. The best thing about this website is that it has many charities to choose from, all a person needs to do is to make their selection from the menu button. If a person is unable to see all the charities, they can select the “see more” option that is provided in the middle of the webpage.
What follows after a person selects the charity that you would like to donate to is the first step which is supplying the platform with their vehicle information. It is crucial to enter as much information as possible to assist the platform get the most money out of the vehicle in question. Once the first step is completed, the prospective donor can click the bottom of the page to go to the second step which involves them filling out their personal information such as their name, address, phone, and email address. If they would prefer a different address to be used for the vehicle pick up, they can select that option at the bottom of the webpage.
What follows is the confirmation of all of the information that has been provided, the Car Donation Wizard website gives anyone who wishes to donate their vehicle(s) the option to add or edit the information before the final submission, all that they need to do is to click on the prompt that they wish to follow at the bottom left of each webpage. Once everything has been confirmed accordingly, the final step is the submission of this information. Before submitting the donation details, a separate confirmation page that includes essential information such as a confirmation number found at the top right of the page, preparing your title, pick up information, and information regarding tax rebates. If there are inquiries about the changing of the vehicle title from the donor to the charity the website does provide clarified instructions for the laws regulating each state.
For any further questions, the Car Donation Wizard staff is willing to assist, a prospective donor can call them on 877-957-2277.