Charter bus services have long been hailed as easy ways of traveling across long distances, especially for people who don’t like to fly or ride trains. But improvements in the technology of these buses have allowed coach buses to become some of the most eco-friendly methods of traveling, too. Here are just a few reasons why charter bus transportation is so great for the environment:
- For every coach bus that is filled with passengers, 55 individual cars and trucks are essentially taken off the road. One of the biggest benefits of traveling by bus is that it limits the number of single-passenger vehicles.
- With that in mind, it’s easy to see why motorcoaches emit the least amount of carbon dioxide per passenger than any other form of transportation. In fact, these coach services can reduce carbon emissions by five times that of domestic airplanes.
- Although coach buses do require a lot of fuel to keep running, it’s important to note that this actually results in a more eco-friendly way of traveling simply because so many passengers can ride on the same bus at the same time. While a single-passenger car typically gets around 27 miles per gallon for a single passenger, a motorcoach will get around 206 passenger miles per gallon of gas.
Commuter rail lines only achieve around 92 passenger miles per gallon, and airplanes receive 44 passenger miles per gallon.
If you’re looking for a comfortable way of traveling while still being as environmentally conscious as possible, charter bus services are definitely the best option available today.