It’s understandable to feel overwhelmed after being charged with a DUI. In the past, someone facing repeat DUI charges would have to live in fear of losing driving privileges. There have been innovations created to help give those charged with a DUI a chance to start over. An ignition interlock device is used across the nation to ensure a driver is not impaired while on the road. Statistics show that there are nearly 150,000 of these systems currently in automobiles throughout the United States. Here is what to expect when using an ignition interlock device for the first time.
An Overview of Ignition Interlock Devices
An ignition interlock device is a discreet breathalyzer placed in an automobile. This device detects the presence of alcohol from someone breathing into it. Next, this car breathalyzer is able to detect how much alcohol is present in someone’s system. If the interlock device detects the driver is operating a vehicle while impaired, the automobile is shut off. The first time you’ll use the ignition interlock device is when attempting to start your vehicle. You’ll need to breathe into the device in order to start your vehicle. If this discreet breathalyzer detects alcohol, your vehicle will not start. There is often a set waiting period before you can reuse the device. It’s important to note that many of these devices report data to local authorities. You’ll find it’s not the best idea to continuously try and test the device when impaired. In some cases, multiple lockouts can trigger a longer waiting time.
Be Prepared for a Rolling Retest
It’s understandable to feel startled as you hear your interlock device making noise while driving. Many types of ignition interlock device will have you perform a rolling retest. Court systems are aware that an impaired driver may resort to sneaky tactics to operate a vehicle. A rolling retest was created to curb attempts to try and outsmart the interlock device. The time limit in between rolling retests will depend upon the ignition interlock device you’ve received. It’s common to find rolling retests occur in five to 15 minute increments.
Interlock Devices are Beneficial for Everyone
In the beginning, you might this device a bit odd to use. However, you will get used to using this discreet breathalyzer. These devices have helped hundreds of thousands of drivers keep their freedom. In the past, DUI offenders would often have their licenses suspended or revoked. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. Ignition interlock devices allow drivers to keep their freedoms while ensuring they’re not driving impaired. Breathing into a discreet breathalyzer is certainly a small thing to ask in order to not lose your license forever.
Removal of the Interlock Device
It’s understandable to wonder when an interlock will be removed from your vehicle. The exact date of removal is dependent upon the DUI offense. For instance, a first time DUI offender may be required to use this device for a few months. However, repeat offenders may have this device placed within their vehicle for longer amounts of time. The exact length of device placement will be a decision handed down to you from local authorities. Never attempt to remove this device from your vehicle before you are supposed to. You’ll face new charges in the event you are caught trying to remove an interlock device.
In closing, an interlock ignition device is used in automobiles across the nation. Statistics show that interlock devices are associated with a nearly 70% reduction in arrests for impaired driving incidents. These devices detect the presence of alcohol in your breath. If this device detects alcohol on your breath, it will stop you from starting your vehicle. Many first time users of these devices become startled when they beep while on the road. This beeping means you most likely need to perform a rolling retest. A rolling retest is used to ensure drivers aren’t attempting to trick these devices. Data from ignition interlock devices are usually transmitted to local authorities, ensuring you’re driving safely. Ignition interlock devices allow drivers who have had a DUI to regain their freedom and be allowed to drive on the open road.