New Vs Used

Pre owned chrysler

When it comes time to purchase a new car, a common question that always seems to pop up is whether or not you should buy a car that’s new or one that has already been used. There are many positives and negatives to either decision, and there is no one right answer. And with 4.25 million cars being produced in just 2014 alone, the never ending variety for vehicles continues. It’s up to you to decide which car dealership you should go to to find the next best vehicle to help. After all, around 52% of buyers do not know the make and model of a vehicle they want to buy before buying it. Here are a couple tips to keep in mind when deicing between a new car versus a used car.

Main Reason to By a New Car

  • Safety: One of the advantages of buying a new car is generally they are safer than used cars. Their safety features are in prime condition because they had yet to be used and pose less of a risk of malfunctioning. A new car dealer will be able to go into detail with you about all the safety features a new car has. With new developing technologies being put into play each and every day, buying a new car ensures that you have complete access to the newest regulated safety features available to the market.

Main Reason to Buy a Used Car

  • Price:It’s no surprise that new cars are infinitely more expensive than used cars. One of the advantages of buying used cars is that you can save a lot more money doing it. A used car dealer is typically more interested in getting you the best deal, rather than the latest model. To follow a general rule of thumb, you monthly car payment should not exceed 20% of your take-home pay. If a new car does, in fact, do this, it might be a good idea to invest in the cheaper option.

Both of these things are essential facts to keep in mind when thinking about purchasing a vehicle. Best care scenario is you will eventually find the vehicle that meets in the middle between safety and price, leaving your family happy and your wallet full.

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