New Cars vs Used Cars

Best used cars

Did you know that used car sales increased by 4% in the United States from 2011 to 2012? In addition, new car sales have accounted for 29% of all vehicle sales in the United States in recent years. Although the sale of both new and used cars is on the rise, which option do you choose? Deciding between a new and used car can be challenging, but fortunately there are benefits of both options.

1. New cars. Time Magazine reports that new car sales in the United States jumped by 40% from August 2012 to August 2013. Why? In many cases, new cars often come with peace of mind. New cars are beneficial because all their parts are brand new, and even if something were to go wrong with a certain part, many new cars often come with warranties. New Nissan vehicles, for example, are backed by a five-year, 60,000 mile limited powertrain warranty. Since many warranties offer auto repair service coverage, warranties are an accommodating advantage of new cars.

2. Used cars. One of the main reasons why used car sales have steadily increased is because of their affordability. As of March 2013, the average price of a new car is $31,000. However, once a new car leaves the lot, 30% of its original value is immediately lost. This means that used cars are often far less expensive than new cars. As a result, the best used cars can be found at many dealerships, and used car dealers can help you find an affordable vehicle that is right for you.

Deciding between a new and used car can be difficult, but there are benefits of both options. While new cars often come with warranties and peace of mind, used cars are typically much more affordable. By carefully and thoroughly considering both options, you can avoid buying a bad car. Visit here for more.

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